Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha 2007!
Selamat Hari Raya aidiladha to all my muslim frens!!! Yup, I know, by the time u read this, all the sheeps, goats, cows and camels are already turned into yummmmy meals for ur dinner. But, as the saying goes " better late than never", here is my Raya Haji entry ! In the photo above , is our pix with Lt Kol DR Yunus and wife which also shida's blood relative. Not many ppl turned out for the Solat Sunat Aidil Adha at the embassy because there was no public holiday here for Raya Haji. I reckon , less than 100 ppl were there. Nevertheless, less ppl means more foods! hahahaha...
Technically, this was supposed to be my final Raya Haji in moscow. Insya Allah. The next one should be in Malaysia.. Aminnnn.. I wasnt wearing full set baju melayu because I dont have a new baju raya. This baju melayu, I wore it for 2005 aidilfitri if i'm not mistaken. This is Lutfi, eldest son of Dr Yunus. He'll be leaving moscow soon. Going to continue his study in Malaysia. All the best dude!
I'm not physically healthy for the past few days. Even thou there were plenty of foods during the Hari Raya, I wasnt really enjoying myself. My flu really killing me. Flu, isnt just a flu for me. As most of u all know , I have asthma, so whenever I had flu, my asthma will pay his visit , along with Mr Cough and Miss Fever. In short, I hate flu because it'll never be just a flu. So now, I have fever, flu, cough and worst - asthma. I took all the meds available to human kind. Owh God, pls remove all these illness from me. I need to be healthy... winter exam is coming... Maybe, this is my sacrifice for this year Raya Haji,since I dont have enuf money to sacrifice a goat or sheep or camel... i sacrife my health instead... heheheeh.... But, I'm praying to Allah for my good health and prosperity :)
welcome back!, snap out of it will ya, you'll be stronger!....;D
selamat hari raya aidiladha,get well soon & good luck 4 the winter exam!! and everythings gonna be fine....
azra - thanks babe.. I'll...
emiko - let's pray for that :)
selamat hari raya jugekkk...
sekurang2nya beraya di perantaun tak sedih sangat kan nan..ada kekawan
psttt...cantik hbag shida
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