Occay ladies, let's not get too emotional first :) PLEASE listen to my points first...
Firstly, the WOLRD MEN ASSOCIATION or WMA has agreed on the fact that since men were being burden with wat too many responsibility, they just cant get things done perfectly. SOME of professors thought that should men been given the FREE PASS of not remembering some dates, they should have more FOCUS on settling the bigger issue such as the crisis between USA and RUSSIA.
For example, the WMA council reckon that should the wives never whine about the husband getting back home very late at nite , the NUCLEAR issue in iran could be solved within weeks instead of years.
WMA also think that should all birthday and anniversary been cancelled , the GLOBAL WARMING issue could be settled in just a split second. The WMA has suggested , instead having 10 kinds of celebration in the family , just pick a date and celebrate everything all together. Save more money, more time efficient and totally save the world :)
OCCAY, I know, I better stop now. I can see the red angry faces in front of the monitor. Please forgive me if what WMA suggested doesnt go well with ur need. In the end of the day , men are always a bunch of jerk :) Do remember that. Well, some of the jerk are a good handsome jerk!
Heheh... in that case i guess women need to find husband who are not WMA... heheh... parah la kalau nak lupa semua just focus on world issue rite? erm... not agree...not agree...
hey,selamat hr raye!!
maaf zahir batin
Hahahahaa might work is husbands come home late from settling nuclear issues, not settling (Deoxyribo)Nucleic Acid elsewhere!
mens' rules!! haha
I'd probably be the least person to comment. As far as I can remember, I've been managing this family unit on my own; financially, physically and emotionally. So nope, no angry face from me. *LOL*
Tho I must say that since I've been the sole provider for my daughter, I guess I'd expect the potential other half to not complain should I work late to solve world financial crisis.
ps: raya sakan eh? sini pun sama. been eating loads!
Selamat hari raya doc!
a very good piece tho' there are many questionable points...haha.
well, this time I agree with you...
Salam Aidilfitri Nan.
Well, for me, it's important for men to remember those special date such as wife birthday or anniversary... maybe for men it looks remeh2 thing but for women it's something big
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