Moscow , some might call it the land of million possibilities. Their current economy is really booming. Being one of the highest populated city in the world - moscow is the hottest spot for the businessman. Yes, I took the photo above yesterday , on our way out to the mall. U are looking at the VIP TAXI in moscow. It's the Porsche Cayenne Turbo in case some of u dont have any idea what car is it. Well, it's a SUV to be exact and in Malaysia, that orange thing would cost RM 1.1 million OTR per piece. I saw quite a few of these taxis around the center of moscow. It's the new attraction to the rich and famous :) It's ok to take cab now , and do it with style!!!
Yesterday we went to the arbat prestige ( the biggest perfume and cosmetic store in moscow) For me, it's a must visit place in moscow. They sell the same perfumes as the SEPHORA and the DOUGLAS , but the price is a lot cheaper. Shida and elyn needed to refill their make up station and as usual , me being the bodyguard :P - I have no complain thou , coz I do love perfume a lot. I dont mind being surrounded by the lovely sweet smell of the perfume. PLUS, a lot of hot ladies around ... what's there to whine about aite???
Yesterday also was my final futsal game ... maybe, maybe not. However, starting next week - I'll be back playing basketball again. Yes, I'm gonna eat back my word :P Por and KengYew invited me to join them , training for the uni team. Well, frankly speaking - I havent been playing basketball for years.... well 3 years to be exact.. It's gonna be a very wierd feeling. Iqbal ( a junior ) overheard my conversation about coming back to the basketball team - he asked me
" are u gonna play for the university again Hannan? "
" hahaha... I dont think so , I wouldnt be fit enuf , I havent touch the ball for quite a long while " i replied ..
so, let's see what will happen to me next saturday... I'm back..
akak dah bank in duit
ko dah belikan perfumes akak belum??
perghhhhhhhhh..... cayenne turbo derang buat taxi??? dahsyat tull laa... mesti syok ajaa dpt naik taxi yg berharga more than 1M..
kelako nengok keta ni..
cam katun...
kak red - jap ek... akak masukkan 2 juta ke or 3 juta? sbb semalam tiba2 jer duit saya tambah 5 juta jadi 20 juta...
EJ :) tu la pasal ej.. tapi cayenne turbo ni x best la jadi penumpang belakang... agak sempit la tempat duduk belakang kalau nak dibandingkan dgn s class tu..
mrs' sheikh ;) hehehe.. katun pon.. 1 juta jugak... :p
hansss...syok nyer uols kuarrr
uols kuar mesti ber3 kan
-> ida nampak dh berisi lerr
so comey!!!
hikhik.. yg penting idup oren tuh. ahhahaha tq1 kerna sokong color kiki.. hahahha
misss uu aarrrr
nan..kalau naik vip taxi tu bape hinggit? mesti mahal giler kan
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