me : hye, morning , selamat pengantin baru
her: heyy... tq2...
then I was like ...What the heLL? I was just fooling around with the "selamat pengantin baru" part...and she said tq. BlooDy HeLL... kalau aku xder niat nak buat lawak bodoh ngan die ari ni. x tau la pasal die dah kawin. Die kata baru akad jer.. reception x buat lagi, sbb tu x heboh2 lagi.... So moral dari kejadian kali ni... rajin2 la buat lawak bodoh ngan kengkawan ande yer.. Ok, back to my boring life here. Woke up a bit late since I slept at 7 am this morning. was chatting with some silent
reader of this ugly blog...hahaha..thanks guys for reading this. And u are always welcome. Last nite tgk the apprentice season 6, episode 3. kali ni ade sorang pompuan tu "quit" dari show ni sbb die dah x thn dok tido dlm khemah.and x thn ngan ahli team yg x suke kat die .. dan die tahu yg die bakal kene fired.. ( season 6, loser team tido dalam khemah, winners have the mansion.) So, mase kat boardroom die tarik diri sblm Trump fire die. Which is... quite a smart idea. tapi kene kutuk kaw2 la dek trump sbb tarik diri tanpa berjuang habis-habisan... and to be called "a quitter" by trump plus ppl around the world was watching the not a good thing. But, it's her life. Who am I to judge??? heheh... anyway, in my life...
I sometimes found out being a quitter is a good choice. Being a quitter, doesnt neccessarily means that u r a loser, bukan nak tarik diri, tapi just choose to do s'thing better. A fren told me..." quit-if it's not worth it.." ... and that what I did.... There is no point to fight to be who's the biggest asshole, who's the best jerk, to be s'thing that u r not...rite??? " stop being stupid and start thinking how to make more money!!!"... hahaha..that's what I always thought when I intend to do s'thing unreasonable.. panjang la pulak aku membebel kali ni... xper.. dah bosan dah bace buku ni. tadi tgh2 baca buku, ade jumpe ni..
"Sexual anhedonia is known as 'ejaculatory anhedonia'. This rare condition means that the person will ejaculate with no accompanying sense of pleasure. This condition is most frequently found in males, but women can suffer from lack of pleasure when the body goes through the orgasm process as well."
Aku rase semua kat sini dah 18thn ke atas... so.. x kesah la kan. So, jgn la sape2 ade penyakit ni ek... hilang nikmat idup....tapi kalau ade gak.. nak wat camner..dah dugaan.. ( ni bukan sajer2 letak...masuk exam ni soklan gini...) Ok la.. dah la tu.. nak sambung study lak. Anyway, kpd kak red n kak ween... dont worry..saya ni pakar membeli belah... x caya tanye emak+kakak ipar+mak sedara+cousin+ nenek+ cikgu+ posmen+ accountant+ toke mastercard... heheheh, nanti kalau nak kirim ape cakap jer.. perfume kat sini murah2.. hehehek..
Mane lagi lawa... biru ker merah... penin nak pilih mane satu... korang tlg pilihkan utk aku bole x.. harga same jer .. dlm 2500rub(rm 330)..murah sbb tgh SALE...
Ala...kesian dia...nak makan satay pun otak ngah serabut nak makan satay...
Haa....nanti kalo me dapat makan satay..i makan on your behalf lah..or i buy for lah...u want me to send to u by kapa terbang???kapal selam??kapal laut or kapal mainan???
Ok ok serious...make sure when u balik mesia...1st thing to do is to go and get satay for yourself...nanti kempunan ..susah...
Kat sini dah kul nak masuk kul goodnite....
oloh...2-2 huduh banga...toksoh beli la ginih...=p
hi tima kasih kerna sudi dtg lawat my blog..btw, jauh nye awak blajar ke Russia tu..fuh..!!..
thank for the encouragement, Nway..
oit anonymous, you must be blind.. hannan akak suka warna merah tu.. happening.. kak red ko tak yah tanyalah. sah2 dia suka yg merah tu...
being a quitter doesn't mean you're a loser.. I once quit from a stupid game played by a fren of mine did on me.. She carries on, i kept quite & quit... and the end, she looses her frens... padan muka dia.. hahha
eh sodaplah lagu ni...
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