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Thursday, September 30, 2010

why u should not marry a doctor! ( for ladies )

Orang kata... "Money is not everything"
But seriously... Nowdays.. Money is everything..
Yup... Technically everything.. From root of the evil and good deeds such as " sedekah" using money from horse racing betting. Ooooppss !

Anyway, that's not my point here.
Some people want to get married to doctors coz they thought we are rich.
The fact is... It's 50 percents true.
Some doctors are rich.. Some are not. Some are borned rich ... Some already have 3 wives and 20 children.. And being married for 4th time will unlikely make him any richer.. Unless he's marrying janda kaya.

So, ladies... Think twice before choosing doctors as ur husband. The title "dr" is sometimes very deceiving. Here are the tops reason why u should not marry a doctor

1. Doctors are hardly at home coz they always oncall.
2. Doctors sometimes have to work on weekends and even hari raya.. So u might have the possibility of celebrating hari raya alone or with ur crazy mother in law.
3. After a hard and stressful day at work, they go back home- super exhausted... Ended up sleeping on the couch and worse case scenario... Anda akan jadi mangsa pelepas stress. ( Nauzubillah)
4. They have legit reason to go out anytime .. Day or nite.. Duty calls babeh! I need to go now.. Oncall katanya! Padahal balik ke rumah bini tua!

Well... Those are few reason.... Ade banyak lagi ..
But then... That's a true fact about life. It's not just for doctors, but for other occupation too.
Not all doctors are like that.
Ramai je yang baik dan soleh macam I ni.. Oooopps.
Therefore, the point is.. Love someone for who he is.. Not what he is..


Shila said...

"with ur crazy mother in law"...???
kah3...sabo je laa~~

JaNgGuT CiPuT said...

betul tu
so beware to a Doctor...
keh keh keh

shusupian said...

but how about "why a man should not marry a doctor?"...

dAia said...

hmm.. mmg ramai ke doktor camtu??
hmmm.. jodoh tuhan tentukan.. apa2 berlaku dlam perkahwinan tu dugaan n petanda itu jodoh kte atau tak kan?
*hmmm.. just my opinion laa. =)

Nasuha Suhada said...

hai doc!
ingt sy x?
tgk dlm paper kosmo semalam psl doc..


Ahmad Naim said...

ada2 je x semua dr kn..semua jodoh ..

Ahmad Naim said...

ada2 je x semua dr kn..semua jodoh ..

cikbelang said...

yup..every job has pro n cons yg tsendiri..juz depends on ourselves..

ProtonCLUB said...

salam doc... saya suka doktor sbb mrk baik dan niat mrk tlg org sakit supaya sembuh...cuma ramai yg salah anggap ttg doc sbb mrk ingat doc ada kuasa sakti sembuhkn penyakit mcm tuhan...pdhal mrk berusaha sembuhkn,yg bg sembuh hanya Allah S.W.T

Shalalin said...

saya juga houseman and grad from VSMU, dan saya rasa jadi seorang doctor sgtlaa boring..maklumlaa kat skola mmg otai, lepas jd hseman ni kalo member2 kite doc pun bosan, asal ajak kuar, oncall laa, kalo jumpa ckp pasal patient or hal2 kait ngan keje..
tu sbb I always not revealing myself as a doc, sy penah ckp sy kerani cabuk je ms pegi spa, jd xde diorg sibuk nk promote pape, tp kalo kuar ngan mak, mak sy yg bongkarkan sy kata sy ni doctor, abes laa salesgirl kencing sama saya..hehe

Anonymous said...

my bf is 'dr' 4 coming soon.. saye chenta dye sebab dye adalah dye.. bukan pade title 'dr' dye...=P

lalala~~ naway.. bagi saye.. doc. is the best job yg kite perlu bagik tabik spring.. spring.. coz without them we may be painful.. heeehuu.. pikir2 lew..

betol tak..? lala~~

tk kesah apepon yg kite akan jadik sume nye teletak pade dri masing2..

muge title doc tkde yg da takut lps nih.. like 'jangan kawen dengan doc.' huhuhu..


Anonymous said...

"why a man should not marry a doctor?"...

becoz everythg dalam hidup sumenye reflect.. means.. dalam islam ade ckp orang yang baik untuk orang yang baik ryte..?? but.. dalam kehidupan seharian.. dalam memilih pasangan or pasangan yang kita akan dapat.. akan dapat reflect dri kite.. jangan tengok pade title doc... kalaula.. doc lelaki dengan lifenye.. ofcoz doc pompuan pn dgn lifenye.. so.. bile kite nk kan kesempurnaan.. cariklah yang dapat menutup kelemahan kite.. kalu dah tahu doc lelaki busy.. for sre doc lelaki nak wife dye yg tak busy.. is it rite.??? huhuhu..
ni pendapat sje.. tkde kne ngene ngan sape2..
suwie kalau tesilap bicare oe tesilap mengumen..=PPPPPPPPPPP

Shalalin said...

Ni article if a girl marries a man who is a doc.. then what if vice versa like in my situation..
I penah terfikir dengan kerja x tentu masa ni, camne nk mengandung ek.. x mengandung pun emosi, sy x nafikan kalo kat hospital kena marah, balik umah kite yg marah2 org (sy x tau kalo sy sorang je mcm ni) and pasal nk jaga anak2, nk jaga ati mak mertua (aduh, x kuasanye) dat's why my specialist ramai yg andartu xpun kawen lambat..ooopss bongkar rahsia..
my opinion, kalo pompuan sygkan family baik jd GP kat klinik, kalo nk bercita2 tinggi, hmm terpaksalaa berkorban..

bella ahmad said...

haha3.... jage2 dr hannan... t ramai doktor yg marah... haha3... saya sukala post ni... tertarik sgt nak bace... huhu3

Norieta husain said...

dude,,erm interstngs....p xsemua dr mcm 2 an..n xsemestynya lelaki2 kt luar sana yg x jd dr xberprngai buruk mcm 2..ada jerr an..
tp erm kalau dfkirkan amat menakutkan menjadi isteri kepada sang arjuna yg bertitle doktor nh...
well,apaer2 pon jdh pertemuan d tangan tuhan,wanita yg baek adalh untk lelaki2 yg baek,jdh pertemuan ajl maut semua dia yg tentukan...
kita hanya mampu berdoa mudah2 mudahan kita dberikn jodoh yg sebaek2nya sebagai peneman ketika suka dan duka,,sakit,n semoga dia adalah yg pertama n terakhr buat kita,ameen..kalau org 2 btul2 sayangkan kita dia x mungkin sesekali menyakiti kita walau dgn sekecil2 hal i right???

Cahaya Yang Riang Gembira said...

Saye plak.. Takut nanti dah jadi dokter, takde yang nak sebab takut dengan title doktor.. Hoho.. Plus, sangat takut.. Bila dah menempuh hidup HO, takde masa nak cari jodoh.. Sigh.. But, orang kata, jodoh ajal semua di tangan Tuhan kan.. Heehee.. Cuma menanti dan terus menanti.. :)

P/S: Yup.. Doktor tak adalah kaya sangat.. Ngee..

Inn said...

mnta copy doctor. best article