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Friday, August 05, 2011

could we donate our blood during ramadhan

apparently we were not meant to be together we are now happily married with other people :P

i just came back from work
was oncall last night
quite an eventful night in the ICU..

anyway , since this is ramadhan
one of the biggest problem we are having now is low blood supply
the blood bank is in danger right now
well.. basically the whole hospital is in danger if the blood bank doesnt have enough blood to supply

during this fasting month , definitely there are less blood donor in our country as most of our population are muslim
and as we are fasting... blood donor will only cause more fatigue
Some of the blood bank do arrange for blood donation after break-fasting..
but still , the number who showed up is quite little
in the end of the day... the blood supply is very critical in the blood bank..

nevertheless... regardless of the fasting month.
the number of sick people has not reducing at all..
instead ... there are more admission as the raya coming soon..
heavy traffic caused more moto-vehicle accident.
meaning.. a lot of bleeding..
and a lot of blood needed to save these injured people...

i had a case of a little girl .. whom was on her way to the school early in morning..
the mom was driving the car..
and somehow... they crashed into another incoming car ( or otherwise )
resulting a severe intra abdominal injury to the little girl...
and she required a lot of blood transfusion..

this is just an example .. of bad things which could have happened to any of us
or our family... our relative...
imagine,... if at that time... the hospital didnt have enough blood supply..
we couldnt save the girl life regardless how many surgeons treat her
the main treatment would still be the blood..
and blood is something we could just simple buy from the supermarket...
it needs to be donated by people...

therefore, my massage to everyone here...
please donate ur blood.
a small amount of ur blood  , could save a life
and that life could be someone close to u....


Affina Fatin said...

MasyaAllah... never thought about it.

Unknown said...

i badly wanna donate. i'm watching my diet seriously but my hemoglobin is under 12.5. T_T

Unknown said...

affina... this is the unspoken truth

Unknown said...

wawa - eat more red meat dear!

shusupian said...

saya just nak tanya, kat Malaysia seseorang yg berpuasa boleh derma darah tak??..setahu saya boleh tapi ada yg kata ada dlm syarat nk derma darah tak boleh berpuasa..boleh tolong jelaskan??

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hye there! need to ask... do all clinics can do blood donation....?? or just hospital...?? and 1 more question.... is our blood bank running low...?? cause i'm doing my presentation on blood donation this coming tuesday.... and i need to know... hope you can help...

Unknown said...

Shushupian... Derma darah x membatalkan puasa. Tetapi boleh memudaratkan org yg berpuasa kalau x betul2 fit

Unknown said...

Mynsy. Clinics don't have blood bank... Only at hospital. No blood donation done at clinic . Yes, our blood bank is running out of blood. Please donate more blood

Anonymous said...

owh... thanks for the information.... ^_^ and i cant donate blood... T-T my weight is not enough...

Anonymous said...

forgot to ask... What type of blood needed the most......???

Unknown said...

Mynsy. U r welcome.
Which type of blood we need the most?
It depend... Currently at my hospital we r running out of type A blood

Anonymous said...

owh.... ok2... thanks.... btw, is it true that by donating blood, it also can make u healthy.....???

Unknown said...

Yes it is... It s a healthy habit for a healthy people to donate blood. But if u have underlying medical illness... Just keep for blood for urselves

Anonymous said...

ok... then u need to wait how many weeks or month after the blood donation for the next 1....??

Unknown said...

U can do it monthly if u r healthy enough

Anonymous said...

owh.... ok2... thanks again... ^_^

Unknown said...

No problemo