"bachelors know more about women than married men; if they didn't, they'd be married too"
Today's Hans Favourite Song - Baby Love - Nicole ScherzingerMy laptop suddenly crashed this morning. Well, to be honest , that wasnt the 1st time. Lately, it becomes a bit slow and slower. I decided to clean up the hard disk, and uninstall a few unused programme. Since my photos collection took the biggest space in my hard disk, I wanted to move all the old photos into the cds. During the process, I found these photos. It was taken 3 years ago. During our teenagers days :) Those were the time when I dont have to worry about how close I'm of being a doc. I'm a type of guy who live my life for the moment. I dont really think that far ( but it doesnt mean I dont think about my future) But, for me - I take a day , as a day. Whatever gonna happen after 3 days, I'll think about it after 3 days.
My frens here do realize that I'm pretty much a care-free guy. Always having fun with my life. I'll laugh at almost everything. Sometime it does annoyed the others, but as long as I'm happy with my life, that's matter the most rite :) Nevertheless, I know when it's time to be serious, when it's time to be angry and when it's time to kill... ( yes, I do kill - some flies, white mice and frogs during the labs ) So, that's me , Hannan. I'm living my life to the fullest and my motto is - "life does suck sometimes, just be flexible"
Occay, now back to the photos, as u realized, these photos are taken using the old camera , yes the one using film? To the new ages kid, once upon ago, there were cameras using film, and there wasnt LCD screen on the camera :) Hehhehe.. I still have one, gonna keep it as a memory. Well, looking back at myself, I'm really sure I have changed a bit physically - but mentally , I frankly think that I've changed a lot. Well, it's true that ppl get wiser as day goes by. But , unfortunately, some ppl remain stupid. ( not me! ) Hehhee.. Just a joke. I've learned a lot thru my mistakes and experience. But, believe me, no matter how many mistakes u have made, there'll be more in the future :) No doubt about that. So, that's all I think for tonite. As always, wishing everyone of u, a very good day and please enjoy ur life. Happiness comes from ur desire.p/s - anyone wanna see my pics during my secondary school era? Anyone??? hahahhaa ...
meh nengok skit ur pic during secondary......
nak.. nak! i nak tengok. *sengih*
occay, erni, ziana - ade sambutan ni... thanks babes
haha. u looked jambuuu..
nk tengok gak.
ermzzz...da figure still da same
only ur body weight jek not da same..hahaha
in here u look thinner la...
btw, how tall r u ek, hans?
intan - hahaha.. jambu pon jambu la cik intan payung oiiii... hahha
zie - yeah... agreed!!! not too tall, not too short :)
nan..cam kanak2 ribena :)
you have a baby face!!i think when we get older our appearance turn to be more mature..don't care about the past ..enjoy our life to the fullest.i used to laugh at everything when i was in back home..but now i don't have the chance to laugh like before.
senyumla ckit hehe
Hans.. bukan setakat skolah rendah & tadika je.. klu ade gambor masa Berkhatan dulu pun kami nak tengok... hi hi hi.. im sure you mesti ada copy kan kan kan ...
banyak handsome guy sana ..haha
mrs sheikh - bnyk la u punye ribena ek :)
sweetiepie - hey dear , i know u r a busy mum now , but it doesnt mean u dont have the rite to enjoy life rite?
murni - dulu zaman2 ganas, x pandai senyum :)
elly - tu kene check kat arkib negara jap
hazel - eerrr.. no doubt about that!!
fuhyoo...ramainye jejaka..
look nyummy ..kohkohkoh..
gambo kecik2 pun buh la weh..
nak gak tgk..
your face x banyak berubah... Maintain muda gitu! Nak tengok photo secondary, primary, kindergarden semua2 lah :) Salam Maal Hijrah to you..
gambar kanak2 riang, coming soon!! hahah, jgn terkejut yer semua!!! taraaa :)
how come i have to scroll down to leave u a comment now? hahaha..good traffic Nan!
hmmm u looked so innocent tht time..but i wonder whether u relly tht innocent huh! hahaha...
Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.
Semoga rahmat dan salam tetap tercurah
kepada junjungan kita nabi Muhammad beserta
keluarga dan sahabat beliau.
Yaa Allah ya Tuhanku,
Engkau adalah Dzat Yang Maha
Kekal, dahulu dan awal,
Hanya dengan anugerah dan kemurahan-Mu yang Agung telah
datang tahun baru.
Di tahun ini kami memohon pemeliharaan-Mu dari syaitan,
kekasihnya dan bala tenteranya,
dan kami memohon pertolongan-Mu atas nafsu yang
mengajak kepada kejelekan,
dan kami mohon kesibukan dengan perbuatan yang dapat
mendekatkan diri kepada-Mu wahai Dzat Yang memiliki kebesaran dan kemuliaan.
Semoga rahmat dan salam Allah tetap tercurahkan kepada junjungan kita Nabi
Muhammad SAW beserta keluarga dan sahabat beliau..
I'm innocent, rite until this very moment :)
hihihihihi.. comey2... betul2 mcm kanak2 rebina...
adoihhlaaa han, mmg han neh kena badan mcm sekarang laa... kalau kurus serius nmpk mcm kanak2 ribena... :p
nan..pic first tu gambar si teruna mencari si dara ke..nak wat lelong erkk..hihihi..harusss aku lariksss...
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