Hannan Ceasar Salad :)
Welcome to Hannan's kitchen!!! Yes, I know there's a lot of chefs out there ( and I know a lot of chefs are reading my blog... AMG, Jun, Ummi, cik bawang... also the big celebrity chef -Norz ), which in this case - I'm so thinking twice about posting this entry, hahaha.. this one may look like a joke to a chef, but who cares rite! hahaha.. I'm pretty free since I'm not going anywhere for this winter break , so let's try something new for a change :) The menu is - ceasar salad , which is of course, my fav appertizer, always order ceasar salad when I go to the restaurant. Some restaurants made a good one and some really make it taste like crap. There are few style of making ceasar salad , but I made this one from Jamie Oliver's recipe (with some adjustment) . Jamie said, instead of using chicken breast, use chicken legs to make taste better. So, I grilled the chicken legs over the bread. Prior to that , put some rosemarie, basil , spinkle of balsamic vineger and extra virgin olive oil , garlic and salt to marinate the chicken legs. The bread is put under the chicken, so when the chicken is cooking, the juice will go into the bread and eventually the bread will turn out as the lovely crunchy crouton which in this case is the salad best fren :) Deeeeeelicious!!!
Jamie said, if u want to make salad, never ever use the iceberg salad. Instead, use the lettuce. Just realize that lettuce is actually pretty expensive, cost around rm10 per packet here.. ( or is it cheap??? I dont know) Soak the lettuce into the clean water to remove all the germs and the bacteria cyst! ( salad can be both healthy and lethal) To make the dressing, I use 3 portion of extra virgin olive oil and 1 portion of lime juice ( or lemon juice... either way) plus a bit of salt! By the time I finished with the lettuce and the dressing, the chicken and the bread should be cooked. Take off the bone from the chicken and shred into small pieces... same goes to the crouton. Mix the chicken, crouton , lettuce and the dressing in a big bowl. Use ur fingertips :) Then put a generous portion of the salad into a nice plate and some parmesan cheese on top of it... and waalllaaa .... here u are, Hannan's ceasar salad - it's quick, easy to made , healthy and delicious!!!
Dinner is served :) heheh.. I know this recipe might not be perfect, and I'm pretty sure this is an amateur job. However, it's eatables and nobody is dead from eating my cooking yet ( none that I know) So, to those who are looking for a part time cook for a small family this summer , Give me a call :) I'll try not to poison ur family! hahahaha.. I was just kidding. I just love cooking becoz I just love to eat :) However, when I'm the one who's cooking, I wont eat much. I only eat a lot when other ppl is cooking. I wonder why??? hahahhaa... But, one thing for sure, my mom never let me cook at home even thou she knew that I've been cooking on my own for years. Either she loves me too much or she doesnt trust my cooking yet. I'll just take the first choice, maybe she loved me too much that she wont even let me touch the pan at home ( but the other part of me reckon that she doesnt trust my cooking yet!) So everyone , enjoy ur meal. Bon Appetite!
U have hidden talents, uhh?
This is a simple yet nutritious salad...and u've managed to make it sound so easy to prepare, I bet many out there want to give it a try ~ just to get a taste of what's yr fav. Haha.
Olive oil is so so full of goodness & the extra virgin (though very expensive here) tastes the best. Balsamic vinegar is milder than the ordinary cuka here, so if anyone wants to replace (balsamic-cuka), go easy as a sourish dressing would spoil the whole salad. Oopps, sorry I got carried away.
So, here's a toast to Hannan for his efforts...If there's 'A Flying Doctor', then I would like to propose the title 'A Cooking Doctor' for u!! Congrats...
ps: Mana pic close-up makanan? Hehe.
wah...pandai msk gak u ni...
untung sape dpt...
dpt 2 in 1...
doc n chef.... ;)
wello mr.doc
wah2.. yuk.. nak jugak.. nampak sedap la..nak jugak... post kan leh .. hahaha
sangat sedap` healthy lagi...
rumah i ada jawatan kosong sebagai Personal Assistant. tempat tidur makan semua tanggung... boleh masak? one very big bonus for the position!!
hehehehe~ wanna try? hehehe~
Ceasar salad for appetizer... What's for entree? and dessert?
Nyum nyum!
wah terer ko ye nan bab msk nih..x sangka gitu
sure ut mom trust u pas nih..
and bg u masok dapo seslalu..
wah makan sendiri hah
Tabik!!!!...Tgk tu sapa kata lelaki tak pandai masak!!!...Awas! gurls out there!!
norz - hidden talent? huhhu. it's more like a survivor skill!
yupp agreed! need to be really careful with the balsamic vineger...
close up pic... urmm.. xder DSLR la.. x lawa nak ambik ngan digicam biasa :P
sue - hehee... dr and a chef... tu bab2 baik jer.. ade lagi kat blakang tu.. a jerk and a pemalas :P
kiki - nak post.. sure! no problemo! hahahha.. bile dah sampai nanti lettuce tu dah kuar bunga dah!
zuraiha - wah.. akan dipertimbangkan!!!!
mummyhanny - ecece.... popular la tu nama mummyhanny... mcm ku kenal aje yer siapakah ini ??? hahaha... kak fatin!!! i miss u la! how's the baby :)
ita - hehehe.. memang perlu disangkal pon :P
ziana - hehehe.. xper,, x caya pon xper. x yah susah2 kat umah nanti!
hazel - hehehe.. dah tu u x dtg, makan sendiri la..
mat gebu - yesss bro... hidup LELAKI!!!! majukan kaum lelaki untuk negara!
hans, probally she didnt trust ur cooking yet kot..haha!!!
btw...dat one nice-looking salad of urs aaa.
Wanna make my own salad gak ah
leh compare caper lg cedap...kekekeke.
but if nk compare ngan masakan ida...i surrender, dude!!! sure kalah punyer
zie - hahah.. yes.. tu la, mcm mane nak percaya.... ni muka pemalas yg amat kat umah:P
occay.. cepat buat salad.. pastu buat entry ek!
i dah buat roti telur mayo in my blog.. buat kat lab lagi~ heheheh.
but w/o pics lar...
Nyam2...pandai masak ko doc? Untunglah si dia itew :)
dari care u cite nampak cam simple...tapi looks scrumptious.. maybe i should give it a try
ceasar salad satuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, extra croutons pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
You are good in cooking eh!How i wish there is someone cook for me.I know you want to diet and Salad is a healthy but don't eat that everyday ya!my mum also won't let me get into her kitchen..i guess our mom has the same reason.They don't trust us.LOL
zuraiha - meh sini roti mayo sbijik... hehehe.. makan ngan salad.. perfect!
eedany -- hehehe... untung ek.. tgk2 sidia yg kene masak!
cik bawang - hehehe... mmg simple pon!
azra --- one ceasar salad...siiiiiaaaapppp
sweetiepie - yeah.. the same reason y children stop trusting parent!
Waaahhh!!! salute le Dr sorang ni..sesekali ke dapur..ahaaa!!! tu diaa..Hann leh buka blog masak pasni, kongsi dengan abg Budin..tp dia cpt surrender...Tengok Hann masak mst ramai girls out there takut..hehe..takut x pass di dapur..hikss!!
cedapnyeeeeeeeeee .. nak la jugak !!!
nnan .. i tunggu u balik sini .. cook for me pelisssssssss
eheeeeeee.... nanti kalau mai penang boleh la buat kt ej... hihihi..
nan..iceberg salad tu ada ke kat sini erkk?
nampak nyam..nyam..
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