You and Me
A late update from me today since I wasnt home last nite. Was out with some frens watching C.Ronaldo rocked the world again with his freekick screamer. Worth all the money in the world! Yes, I'm a lifetime Man Utd fan! Anyone here is man utd fan??? hahaha... AMG perhaps? Come on Mat Gebu.. let's support Man Utd! Yesterday evening, before the premiership match, I went to play futsal with some frens. Yup, that's how I enjoy my break... " makan bola, tido bola, tgk bola, main bola". Basically it's all about football :) I know that "football" is the biggest enemy for women.. especially for the wives and the girlfriends. But, the ugly truth is, to men - watching or playing football is like shopping for women. If women could go to the mall at look at the same coat for 1 hour and then leave and then come back again the next day, and the leave and come back again for the 3rd time before buying it - a true man could sit on the couch for hours watching their fav team winning! ( or getiing a lap dance..:P )
As u can see in the pix above, that's a supermarket -open 24/7. It's one of the biggest supermarket chain in moscow. In russian , "universam" means supermarket. "Produkti" refer to mini market. This supermarket is called "Perekrestok" , located pretty near my house, on the way to the university. In russian alphabet, the letter "P" is spell "R". Yeah, it's wierd and does make my life harder here. But after 6 years living here, I'm used to it. The russian alphabets are basically the same as the Roman with few additional alphabets, which sound totally wierd. Few years back, Russians dont speak English in Russia even thou they can speak english. It's like a crime for them to speak english. Nevertheless, as Russians more open to the outside world nowdays, some of them, tried to speak english when they met foreigners. Which, I think is a very good improvement. So, there u go - a lil bit of insider view of Russia today! hahahaha.. I just dont know what to write today :P .Hope it's not too boring... something for a change.. once in a while.. have a great day everyone :)
bola..bola.. bola.. bola..
pergi kedai beli bola.. pergi pdg sepak bola.. nonton tv tgok bola.. siapa mao jadi bola? hehehe
glamer wo jadi bola nih...
tp smart glam lagi abg kiki nih..kan heheh =D
kim slm kat cyg shida.. =D
i dont fancy any sport la bole jd teman tgk yg baik..nk plak kalu dia focus kt player yg ensem, ekekeke..always watch golf since hbby main golf..kdg2 tgk football, tennis, badminton, dia x tgk rancangan masak2, zzzzz....wahahahaha.
kiki - hehehe,, bagus ape bola - tempat lelaki lepas perasaan.. lepas main bola sure hilang tensen :)
JUn - ajar hubby u tgk top chef n hell's kitchen.. sure dia akan minat ape.. !
hek enehhh
gua bekhen sama lu kang
mulai hari ini gua mau cantas sama lu
pasal lu asik dok back up sirman jer kan
cis ciss ciss
excuse nak pi set rambut jap is My worst ENEMY if it comes to my bf la
...but heyyy, kinda regret makin' it become my enemy.
Everytime i think 'bout football..
i never misz feeling Guilty. How i wish i could turn back time.
for girls out there
=> "Never stops him for playin' things he loves to played no matter whats ur reasons are...becoz once u did stop him..u will feel guilty for the rest of ur life!!!"
wow!thanks for sharing this to us.Sounds interesting to learn russian huh!It's been along time i didn't watch football.Before I was MU fan..keke!
go MU....
i think u gonna miss moscow one day...hmmm!
have a nice weekend hannan!
kaki bola ek ko nan..harus gitu..jgn kaki bangku udah..hiks
bola is way better than online game...gosh i hate the feeling of losing attention because of those schtoopid game... klo bola boley enjoy tgk skali kan? saye tak minat bola tapi suke tgk orang2 hensem tgh kejar bola..boley?
errr.... excuse me.. ehemm...
GO CHELSEA~!!!!! Yooo.. harharharhar~~
sape kata girls tak minat bola? wait till the world cup.. kat skudai tuh ada kedai mamak khas utk pompuan je layan bola sampai pagi! girls [lap dance?] and football in there... heaven for guys to enter tapi gigit jari je lah diorg tgk dari jauh...
i wonder bila la msia nak ada supermarket 24 hours ..
kalau ada .. senang laaa hidup ...
kak red - ala kak. akak kan sayang saya kan.. mane bole cantas2 ni... lelaki kene la support lelaki, baru dunia ni aman makmur
zie - never too late to make up everything dear!
sweetiepie --yeaaaayyy another man utd fan... UNited... unitEd... hhehee...
ziana - man utd the best!
waliz - i'm soooo gonna miss moscow.. a lot!
ita - hehe.. kaki bangku.. dulu la kot. skarang tidak lagi :P
cik bawang - hehehe... tu la. main bola ni menyehatkan.. sbb tu semua hensem!
zuraiha - iskh.. ade jugak makhluk chelsea kat sini.. iskh.. :P
lily- nanti i bukak satu ek!
perghhhhhhh... supermarket buka 24 jamm... 7 hari semingguuuu.... senangnya..
kalau ada supermarket macam tu..tapi rega mmg mahai siot kan..
nan..awak ni mmg giler bola erkk
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