Wet Blanket
Good Sunday everyone!!! I just woke up an hour ago after a long good sleep. It has been a tiring few weeks for me and I still need to keep going for another week here. As I told u before, I'm only half done. I still have another state examination for the subject -Hygiene and ecology. But, compared to surgery final exam, this next exam should be easier. It's basically about the general knowledge about the health system plus the ecology surround us... bla bla bla.. Nevertheless, it's still a state exam and I still need to pass it. So, another week with books for me here :)As u can see in the pic above, I was busy sewing my "selimut busuk!" . hahah.. It's not "busuk" , I always wash it , now and then. The blanket actually was given by my Mom when I first came here. Technically I've been using it for the past 6 years!!! It's made from a very high quality material and it's so comfortable. Nevertheless, being a man, u tend to destroy thing. It's just in our nature. So, after years of usage, I found a few tears and at backside of the blanket. The front still look as good as a new one. So , I changed from a nerd med student into a desperate housewife last nite , sewing the blanket ( with the help of shida of course!) U wanna see my sewing? Errmm.. it's too delicate even the camera cant catch it.. sorry.. hahahhahaah.....
Here it is, baby stitch on my precious blanket. I was thinking of bringing back the blanket to Malaysia, but then it's pretty huge overall , so I need to find a way to deal with it. Well, it's just me. When I loved something, it doesnt matter how old it is, how many tears it has - I'm still lovin it!!! Same things goes with my t-shirts. I'll just keep wearing the same shirt even thou I still have tons of other new shirts!!! ( no worry - socks and underwear are not included in this category, need to change them as frequent as possible :P )
Ok, time to go back to the books now. Have a great Sunday everyone!!!!
i got my own favorite pillow too. dari kecik sampai la skang dah 23. mak dah tatau nak cakap ape. pegi mana pun bawak. holiday ke, balik kg yg memerlukan sejam perjalan pun kene bawak. windu!
hahah....i pun la bantal bucukk..
dah kempissss...:)
aww that's cute...i mean...that baby stitch...not the one who's sewing... keke...pos balik malaysia nnt grad :D :D your mom must be flattered to see that blanket again
haaaaaaaaa .. selimut busuk tuh konpem la busukkkkkkk walaupun u kata tak busuk ..
busuk will always busuk
hahahahahaha !!! LOL
miss nazla - hehhe.. i x bawak slimut ni gi mane2.. terperap kat bilik jer ;P
mrs sheikh - dah agak dah :P
cik bawang - heheh.. she'll be suprised!!
lily - buuweeekkk
kelakar laa nan...
org lain bantal busuk..
dia selimut busuk..
lucky ziana xde sume tuh..
bantal busuk ke..
selimut busuk ke..
nazla n husna smpi ke tua ade bantal busukk..
Hannan, u cute little thing!!! U can even sew...its a wonderful discovery, indeed! Not many men want to learn how to sew things esp when they have women friends around. But then again, u r used to sewing human skin..opppsss..(a "dead" blanket wouldnt' be a problem at all, hihi!)
hemm, what more surprises do u have in store?
ahahaha. sangat comel tengok keadaan u duduk cam gitu sambil sewing. bagusnye u ni. errr.. baju i ade beberapa yang dah terkoyak. tak nak tolong? :p
ziana - tu semua kitorang kategorikan sebagai khazanah negara tau :P
Norz - hehehe... thankssss...
iskh.. what u see is what u get... I'm just a another guy :)
erni - bole2... antarkan.. sini pon dah nak abis dah bahan bakar ni :P
sentimental value tu Nan..please find way to bring it home..imagine ..maybe one day u can pass it to yr kid...:D
ehhehe.. I'll babe...
oooooooo.. bahan bakar yea. tunggu la balik mesia. siap!
Bring your selimut busuk homelah!I have an idea..Before you put the comforter in your luggage,put it in a large garbage bag then tied it and then use a vacuum to suck the air out.you will see he magic.hehe what tears is that on your selimut!
ekekeke...from a nerd med student into a desperate housewife, ehz?? hahaha..hanx2...buat z tgelak kambeng jek mmbace nyer :P
wehhhh!!! can u sew my blanket too :P
that's a good idea sweetiepie.. it might just work :)
zie - kambing bole gelak ek zie? or zie jadi kambing ni?
hahahahah..ada selimut busyukk erkk
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