Few more days left until my exam. I've been studying a lot. Been sleeping late, and woke up late too :P . Obviouly nothing interesting happening rite now except for the more I read, the more I realize how many more I need to know. It's kinda suck actually because in medicine , there is no way u could understand every disease thoroughly. There's hardly such Dr as Dr House in real life. Everyone makes mistakes. Every doctors - at some points do make mistakes. Minor or major. Like the new-malay saying goes " Sedangkan Dato Chua made mistake , inikan pula Med-Students"
Yes, it's a joke. Nevertheless, it's a fact too. Hehehe.. If only I could say such thing during my exam this saturday! I dont think the examiners know who's Dato' Chua is!!! Maybe I shall use that phrase when I become the HO later. Hhehehe.. Anyway, I need to get back to my books now. Will update again later. Have a wonderful evening everyone!
haha that is the best quote i've ever heard...maybe i can write that in my project too..but i need to find engineering-related dato lah
mane tau kot ada rezeki .. nanti jadilah tuh HO ..
hehehe ..
tidur awal .. bangun awal ye nnan ..
macam mak org plak membebel
LOL!one day for sure you can use that phrase..take it easy in your exam and don't blog to much during this time..hope to hear you good news inyour result ya!
Hahahahhaha...lawak tul la..
CSL tu ubat dia tak de kat mana2 sepital kat dunia.. ubat dia tu je la kat batu pahat...waaaaaaaaaaa
good luck !!!!
wah..dah ada pepatah melayu baru ek..sesuwai gitiew..insyaallah,maybe u nan bleh jd HO one day,who knows kan?
gud luck bro!!
that one fine pepatah melayu... can call it pepatah cina lor... LOL~
good luck dude~
hahaha, ish ish.. jangan ler follow that "mistake", hohoho.
hikkksss!!! pandai hans create a new pepatah tuh...:P
All da best 4 ur final, dudeeee
good luck in ur exam...
cik bawang - i'm sure u'll find something to relate with ur studies!
lily - babe HO tu la mase depan i tau...x jadi HO... KO la i ni .. uhuh
sweetiepie - thanks dear :)
Mrs sheikh - CSL tu ape dear?
murni - INsya ALLAH
dark angel - both ways babe !
mak su - hehehe.. same2 la kite mintak jauh ek!
zie - thanks dear!!!
alam - thanks alam! lama x nampak!
hans...syok yek main snow..???
bile la alin dpt main snow agknye yek....
*isk terbayang2...hehee :)
hye alin... suatu hari nanti sure jumpe snow tu..
"xkan lari snow dikejar"
CSL - Menteri Kesihatan :)
hmm, as for me la kan. i respek ex-menteri kesihatan tu. dia admit salah dia and dia letak jawatan. takde nak suruh orang bekap ke ape ke. and, itu peribadi dia. nape perlu nak babitkan dengan kerja. aih, entah la kan.
TAPI, u jangan jadik cam dia lak Hann tau. huhuhu..
erni - udah nasib tu nak wat camner kan..
huahuahua.... yelah.. pepatah dari sorang doctor camtuh eh.. =D
tp salji nya amt mengembirakan kamu yach han!! ishh jeles ni..kite sempat ke edit pix bersama salji.. uwaaaa.. nak salji betol2... =D
pepatah baru erkk...or moscow style ke?
salji tu mmg sungguh cantik yer
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