Gambatte Kudasai!!!
6 more days to go to my surgery final exam. It's 2 am here in moscow and obviously I'm still awake! Wow, 6 more days, it seems to be such a long time, but believe me- it's not! I'm not sure about the rest of u out there, but for me - nowdays the time is really moving pretty fast! 24 hours a day is just not enuf. Maybe someone could change it. Make it 50 hours a day? Yeah, so technically we all will be younger - longer rite. We might be 20 years old , but with all the wrinkles all over our faces. Craps rite :) Shit always happened no matter how hard u tried to avoid it! That's no way we could move back the time, or stop the earth from moving. The best we could do is - use all the times we have , wisely. For example - at this very moment, I'm using my precious time to write something that - well I just write whatever coming from my brain rite now. It's pretty busy up there :) Yup, too much problem around the world to be solved rite now. Dont let's me start with it...
Nice wallet!
rm800 per mth??
leh dpt sewa 1 rmh kat sini..
rm8oo a month for a small room..expensive!!!and rm300 for a bata shoe..i won't buy that LOL.
Ujan emas di Negeri orang,
Ujan batu di Negeri sendiri..
sian U... :(
itu LV sungguh cantik dan sungguh
material ape ek? licin tak?
yes, ziana , sweetiepie - it's crazy here. A 2 room apartment ( one living room and a bedroom + small kitchen) , the cheapest would cost around RM4000.
elly - hehehe.. segala jenis ujan ade ...
mrs sheikh.. hehehe.. licin mcm ais!
Alah xleh lak nk msuk chtbox tu..akak nk tanya kabo je..sihat ke Hann..x lama dah nk peksa tuu...Harap makin kuat study..jaga kesihatan ek..nnt penat study, bila final x sihat lak...byk bahaya tu..leh effect otak tau! Have a good day..
RM300 for a bata shoes? sure wont buy it.. kalo bata pun dh 300,apetah lg yg laen... and 800 for a small room?? gile mhl... kalo kat msia pun cenggitu,mau sume dok rmh atap nipah... siannyer....
good luck!!
erkss...Rm800 per month???!!!
mahai giler tuh hans
electricity n water bills not included ker???
aaaaaa...wanna be a matchmaker ler pulak die neh...ekekeke
Hai.. eh.. janganlah dik 50 jam... lenguh lutut wealls nanti nak solat bebanyak.. hik.
wow! dahsat ya kasut bata kat sana mahal-mahal... huhuhu, tentu mak su ni tak mampu nak beli untuk anak-anak.
huhu..i thot u r a girl...:) thx for visit my blog...u r so nice
waa..nice cap maa..good luck 4 ur exam k..
ummi - thanks ummi, yup , x baik belajar bnyk sgt - x bagus utk kesihatan!
emiko - dear, pokok nipah x tumbuh aaa kat sini, sure lagi mahal... hehee..
zie- hehehe.. I'm having my fun!
mak su - hehehe... jom beli kasut bata bnyk2 kat mesia tu!!
anizyn - well, i'll take it as a complement!
murni - thanks!!!
one hell high cost of living~~
living wif paris hilton ka~?
just joking.... ;D
babe .. i like ur hat la .. kewl !!! tuh bape hinggit kat sane ??? :D
by the way .. gud luck for ur exam dear .... study rerajin ok ...
dark angel - me and paris used to stay together, but then she refused to pay her rent.. So I sent her back to LA
lily - babe , u doakan la Eurotrip 3 i nanti ade financial backup!
ok .. i doakan u akan dapat financial yang banyakkkkkkkk banyakkkkkkkkkk
hurrmm... matchmaker? sejak bila wat keje part time ni? huhuhu..
a'a, i tahu yang BATA sangatlah pemes dan mahal kalau kat oversea. pelik gak kan. kat sini, orang nak masuk kedai dia pun, sangatlah jarang.
lily- amiiiinnnnn
cepotet - eheheh... nak slipar bata x? tukar ngan perfume! heheheh
i loike ur cap.i can see other girls like them too.
u hav to bring back lots of them :)
erni - hehehe... slipar bata mahal tau!
lyn - wow... that's not an easy one!
nan..kalau surgery exam tu kena wat pratikal ke nan? usihh...geli
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