The Doctor!
I've been waiting for this photo for days :) This is my official grad photo. The degree giving ceremony may not be the same as in Malaysia , there was no need to bow ur head - just go up there and shaked hands! Yeah, it was pretty cool, me and the Professor ( the one who gave the degree) even had a small talk while posing for the camera. Yes, I know - I looked at the wrong camera , but who cares :P
Hans, congratulation ! seems like you make it after all. So, bila nak balik kampung ? atau tak nak balik dah...
So tell us about your next plan in your blog. We'll be glad to know. Congrats again !!!
Tahniah, cool photo. Teruslah hantar kat Kg gambar tu. Nak buat frame dan edarkan ke seluruh saudara mara.
tahniah han dear..
.. pasl tu kiki snap kan untuk han.. tu yg han tgok camera kiki.. hikhikhik
miss u a lot
pas ni kena carik frame lawo2 nan..tuk letak pic tu
x per, tgk salah kamera pun still cantik gambo tu kann..
Doctor Blue, congratz.
nice pic....congratz again dr hannan
congrats nan !!
asal mukaa prof tuh masam mencuka aje
Tahniah di atas kejayaan anda!
cepat gak ye dapat gambar tu.. kalau kat sini... berkurun gak la nak menunggu gambar atas pentas dapat...
congrats bro!!! :)
msih la ensem w/pun pndang camera lain :) sempoi je kan.. klu kat sini abis la nk kene follow protokol..
You look very nice .
congratess.. bilo nok kelik kampung nihh.. bulehle merasa nasi kerabu, nasi dagang, laksam.. huhu.. sedapnyoo..
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