owh yeah.. somewhere btwn the "sodomy" and the "gay" part.
Now, after all the clean up and "filteration" process... there are 300 guys and 800 ladies in the small town. Just to spice up the whole story let's name the small town as Zimbabwe... too fancy? occay.. let's just called it "the happy town"
So, imagine, at the Happy Town , there are 800 ladies looking for life partner and technically there are only 300 men are available. So, what to do now?
One day , the chief minister of Happy Town called for a meeting on how to solve the "desperate housewives crisis" Who's the chief minister? Well since I'm the one who created the whole story, let me be the chief minister? ( anyone who wants to join my Happy Town cabinet pls apply ! )
After a long day of meeting, chief minister still have no answer... sigh.. Sorry Lor.. Chief minister is a doctor, he doesnt know how to solve this big problem... maybe u all can help chief minister dealing with this problem???
hurm, is this where poligamy takes place? ahha!
camana ekk..
chef minister....
apa kata kita import lelaki2 berkualiti dari negara lain....
ok tak ?
kalau kat HAPPY TOWN, kaktiny nak jadi menteri Pembangunan Wanita SAHAJA.. (wujudkan jawatan lain utk menteri keluarga dan masyarakat..)
and MY STANDING IS : STILL 'NO' to POLYGAMY.. hahahahhaaa..
nak resign lah daripada jadi menteri kat happy town .. nak migrate kat tempat lain lah.. heheheh...
(kaktiny mmg hampeh kalau bab poligami diutarakan.. ampun yeeerrrr..)
kaum lelaki paling gumbira coz boleh pilih yang maner diaorang nak, coz banyak sangat pilihan
senang je.
buang 500 ladies ke mana-mana. kasi balance.
ouch... sad for woman.. but it was sooo truee...
hurm.. poligamy is the answer. Itulah hikmahnya apabila Islam memperkenalkan konsep piligami. Konsepnya bagus, tetapi apabila disalahgunakan.. menyebabkan kaum wanita sukar utk menerima..
huh!!! takmo kasik cadangan la.. sebab cadangan itu memeritkan.. hhu
ahakssssssss.... saje la tuuu nak suruh kaum lelaki dpt lebih... :p
haha..chief minister tu..rasanya cloning will solve the problem..
camne ni ekk.nanti kalau komen salah lak...
polygamy lahh, kott?
huh!ini tidak adiillll!! saya protes!!saya protes!!
erk..boleh ke nak migrate ke tempat yg agak2 ada potentials?
ala doc..
pe ssh? suh je laki2 tu suma m'bujang smpai ke tua :p hahaha
*me x sokong Poligami gak ;)
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