To make in short , I reached the cargo bay at the airport by 850am and I left at 630pm. So, technically - I spent the whole day at the cargo bay today! It was tiring and annoying at the same time. I really dont wanna talk about it , but - just to give u a little hint of what happened today , the bloody russian - they managed to make something so simple into such a complicated process. I reckon, the amount of energy and time I spent at the imigration , the docking bay, the internal security counter, the bank, the airline office and the custom counters today , all the procedures I went thru - it was more than sufficient to export the nuclear missle back to malaysia.
On the way back, we dropped by at the En Azman house as he organized the dinner for the JPA sponsored students. What a great timing, we reached there and eat straight away since we were the last group arrived. The rest had already finished their desert!
After a great meal at En Azman house, we left and stopped at the kofe house for a quick ice blended cappucino.
Rite now.. I'm very tired... I need a lot of rest, But then - there are a lot more to do, not much time left for us in moscow. A lot more packing need to be done... someone pls come here and help me....
apa3 pun han story.. kiki suka kat sling beg hannnn!!! nakkk!!!
rehat rehat rehat.. mesti tgh penatkan.. hihihi
sakan yek..
selamat berehat..
hohhooo.. menghitung hari je tuh kann.. iskkk... bestnye nk balik mesia dah..=)
angkat rice cooker n tv pun dh boleh jd hulk?? :p
bper ari buln bro balek?
kim salam kat shida yang hilang secara busy tu. ehehe
nak jadi hulk jugak ke..papon, take a rest arr..tak lama lagi nak balik msia..hhuhuhu..sian ely kan, takdo kawan dah..
shida sibuk erkk...takpe..takpe..nanti dah ada masa leh hapdet ye
send my regard to shida k
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