the end is very near...
Here are some photos taken during last weekend picnic. Yes, another picnic. With the lovely weather and the fact that we'll be leaving moscow very soon - it's totally irresistable NOT to go out and enjoy ourselves. Today, I reached the hospital "early" for the first time this month :P Therefore - I'm very tired rite now. However , as I love all my dear readers very much - I couldnt sleep yet without updating my blog :P ( Plus, it's still early -9pm here and the sun is still shining... how to sleep? )
Futures DOCs... I reckon we all will be working at different hospitals in the future. In less than 6 months time to be more exact. Maybe we'll never see each others again once we left moscow. Some said - " Malaysia is damn small ,just about the size of moscow , for sure we gonna bump into each other once in a while". Yeah - maybe. But, I hardly met any of my ex schoolmate when I left the school ( maybe because I'm studying here rite )
Anyway, what will be - will be , and let it be. We all will be graduating soon. After 1 year in kindergarden ( tabika kemas in my case ) , 6 years in primary school ( sk kamil 2 ) , another 5 years in SMS Faris Petra , a few "honeymoon" months in INTEC , 6 gruelling years in moscow - my student's life is about to end in just 2 days time. My final year 2nd semester is officially over in 2 days time. The "student" title will be ripped off pretty soon....
no more student's card discounts , no more cheap flight, no more free entrance to moscow zoo, no more free entrance to the muziums , no more skipping classes , no more bitching about the heavy homework, no more gossiping about the teachers, no more sleeping in the lecture, no more class party, no more worries about exams, no more dream to be the best student :P , no more school holidays , no more summer break , no more SCHOLARSHIP!!!!!! ... life gonna be pretty s.u.c.k....
Whatever it is , life is about to change a lot. Time to let go. Time to take all the responsibility. It's time to start building a new future. The "student's fun time" is coming toward the end.... I'm approaching the new life as a miserable intern... it does scared the hell out of me... Nonetheless - I'll take the the chance , I'll take the risk. I'm a risktaker. I'm a gambler. The biggest bet I ever made in my life is to come to moscow and after 6 years .... I reckon I did the right choice.. ..
waaahh, x lama lg nak jd betul2 dr eh hans...njoy la puas2 kt sana sebelum balik...
not really hans, Mesia kecik, x tau leh jumpe selalu..even dok satu area ni pon, dlm shah alam pon susah nak jumpe tau...silap2 mkn tahun gak, heheh...
welkam to the torture chamber hans hak hak hak...
don worry bro....being a doctor - still many chances to be a student.
Contoh me - i graduated from NZ in 2000. Then 2004 i joined master specialist programme - JADI STUDENT GAK BRO HUK HUK - KENA BULI JIGAK HUK la ni dah habis - i still ada option nak sambung sub sub specialty lagi it will never end bro hans ..ok take care - kalau u happened to be my houseman ----> he he....
enjoy the sweet time ..
tak lama lagi dah nak jadi doc yer..
apapun..kenangan kat moscow tu ttp dalam hati kan..nanti nan pakat lah ngan kekawan...10 tahun akan datang, gi holiday kat moscow..time tu mesti dah beranak pinak dah..
oii en.abg...
kang terjunam dlm air padan muka..
>>> mesti ade boya tembaga kat situ kan.. ishh jgn2 main kat situ dear..boya tu nak cari waris tunggal untuk warisi sifat2 nye.. wahahahha
>>>take care,..
yela, zaman itu dah berlalu.. so no more la kan.. kalau nakkkkkkkkkkkkkk ada semua tu, sila sambung study sampai tua, hehehehe...
ala, kalau dah sama aliran dr, mesti jumpa punye la...
selamat kembali ke tanah air doktor2 sekaliannn :P
Jun - tu la pasal Jun.. bile balik mesia nanti semua buat hal sendiri jer ;)
Doc :)
kalau saya jadi HO doc..... hahahha.. adoiiii... nak rim sport baru ker , suit baru doc? hehehe.
lawak jer.. :P
yuzz -- thanks :)
mummysyafie - good idea tu.. we'll see about that!
kiki - hehehe..
kiki semua buaya dalam lake tu dah mampos dah kiki, kene racun toxic dah,,
tinggal buaya2 tembaga kat darat aja!
ceera :) hehehe
best jugak ek jadi student sampai ke tua ni... :P
husna - hhthehe.. tunggukan kepulangan kami ek!
husna - hhthehe.. tunggukan kepulangan kami ek!
Looks awesome!!
chin joo... come and have picnic with us will ya?
nanti balik mesia kita picnic reramai lak ekk..
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