9029 is our family cars' no. Everyone in the family uses the same no for their car. My brother asked me to tell the story behind the number 9029. Honestly, I do not know what the significant of that particular number. But, I remember my mom telling me that there is a story behind the number. Maybe my brother knew about it. Bro, u should tell the story then!Hence, I used the 9029 number for VLV too. If u realized, my phone no is also 9029. But not all cars on the road with the no 9029 belong to our family :P But, whenever everyone is back home for holiday, for ex during hari raya. It felt good to see all the cars parked in front of the house , all with the same no. in the photo above, my dad jadi model kereta :P
ayah han ni mcm model kete..sesuwai sgt..heheh....9029 secret no eik..hehehe
nasib baik bukan 90210 :D
sure ade makne...ours is 8385..the year of birth of my sist n me...
9029 what a nice number
ours 929.. mom's car and dad's car same plat number except for me 1980 sbb masa tu 929 nak kena tggu at least another month..x sanggup beta
best erkk macam ni..my untie lak 7279..amik birthday anak dier yang sulung 7 feb 1979..
psst...ayah tu still nampak tegap erkk...
my family guna 4508 for all cars..guess its just our lucky num kot
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