story of my life
Yesterday I drove back miss VLV to my grandmom house ( my dad's mom) , she lives somewhere in the village with my untie. My untie is the youngest in the family , so she decided to stay with my grandma. My grandpa passed away about 20 years ago. Well, the house located somewhere in the village which u wont be able to navigate using the latest GPS :) No Kidding. I tried mine and the GPS said that I was somewhere in the forest.
My dad is "orang kampung" and so am I. I have nothing to be shame of being a kampung boy. My dad grew up in a very poor family. Lots of siblings , small house and limited education. Nonetheless, my dad managed to crawl his way out of the village and considering where he came from and what he is today - there's a lot of thing he could be proud of :) Not all my uncles and unties managed to do what my dad did. He's considered as the most successful in the family. So, everytime I came back to the village - it's pretty much a wake up call for me to strive harder in my life. My dad took a big step in his life. I believe I could do the same. What I achived now isnt half as much as what my dad did. I still a long way to go.MORAL of the story ---> si hannan ni budak kampung asalnya... gaya jer lebih. Asal2 dari bendang jugak! :P . Just kidding, but it's true thou. The moral is - ermmm.. mmm.. ape ek... lu pikir la sendiri :)
nice post dr..
4 me.. x kisah org tu kg or bandar ke.. but apa yg penting.. diri sendiri.. if kita ada kesedaran tuk majukan diri.. well kita boleh pergi jauh.. like ur dad... ths story can motivate readers like me (hehehe.. yg still x der apa2 nie :p)
p/s: erm.. x tau lah if ada silap pada grammar tu.. if ada betul kan ye dr.. coz my english its not so good.. kira teruk juga.. tengah meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa nie.. :p
nasib baik still boleh faham apa yg dr tulis.. coz 99.9% post dalam bi.. :p
aiyoh ada ke orang yg betul2 bandar?
rasanya best kalau lahir kat kampung,,,
wan pun tak malu mengaku orang kmapung. asal kelantan lagi.
kalau pergi masuk kementerian, most of them tu asal orang kelantan.. caya la cakap aku, kecek klate blako
ape lak nk malu ngaku org kampung?? ej nih lagik kampung haaa.... perlis nunnnnnnn jauh di utara..
best woo.. bila raya boleh balik kampung.. ehehe.. org bandar kalau raya nk balik mana?? hihihihi.. rugi2... :D
preevet..kak dela vrach..
kak po-roosskee kampung boy?
apa nak malu sebagai org kampung? nak2 pulak somebody dari kampung yang berjaya dalam idup cam kampung gak tapi sometimes terperasan nak jd org bandor..hehehe..
correct me if i'm wrong writing po-rooskee..
chika pon (haha. nak jugak tuh!) haha
tak kisah asal kita org bandar ke org kampung ke, asalkan jgn lupa diri, jgn lupa ibubapa yg berkerja keras membesarkan kita, jgn lupa keluarga..dan jangan sesekali lupa padaNya! kudos tu ur dad & urself though!
* i pun org kampung..wuhuuuu..bila balik raya leh nyanyi lagu "balik kampung ooooo balik kampung hati girang" :D
akak pun dak kampung gak..main songkak..main longkang..dulu akak comot tau..skrg pun still comot ke? hihihih
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