It's HOT
It was so damn hot today. I literally mean it. I reckon the temperature outside the house was about 38 degree at noon. I turned on the aircond plus the fan at the same time. Didnt even dare to go out! Rumours said that , due to sudden increase of population in kelantan caused the rised temperature. Yeah, the raya holiday is coming and kelantan is definitely the place to be for Hari Raya. More cars on the road now , everyone is back home.
I've been receiving quite a few kad raya for the past few days. Thanks a lot everyone who sent me the card raya. Really means a lot. Even the postman recognized me :) I'll ran out the house as soon as I heard the postman coming. One day he told me " Dude .. I think u r the most famous people around here, U've been getting a lot of letter lately! " Something like that , and I translated it to english. Definitely he spoke in kelantanese. Then I told him " well, as long as the letter are not from the police department ( speeding ticket ) - I'm a real lucky man :) , this year gonna be the best raya ever" Aminnnn to that !happy friday everyone.
selamat hari raya.... :D
selamat hari raya in advance Hannan! =]
selamat hari raya:)
Hehehehe Moscow weather suits you better ;) Selamat Hari Raya, Hannan.
sini mmg panas la han...x sama ngn moscow..:p hehehehe...tahan je la..:p
Selamat Hari Raya...
Maaf zahir dan Batin k...
Semoga gembira dengan keluarga tersayang...:)
Akak ingin mengambil kesempatan nie utk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri & ingin mohon maaf andai ada salah & silap samada yg akak sedari maupun tidak...
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