Many questions have being raised concerning my previous entry about eating less rice in our daily diet. So, I'm gonna try my best to answer all question. I may not be a qualified dietician, but during my 6 years in med school, I did learn a lot about healthy diet.
Occay, let's see the 1st question by an anonymous reader :)
1) reduce rice intake..tapi kalu tengok kat piramid makanan..nasik bawah sekali no harm wat nak makan banyk...tapi ngape doc cadangkan mcm tu?
Rice memang give no harm. Just gemuk jer la :) WHY, our digestive cells are getting tired of processing rice day in, day out. PLUS, rice is very rich in carbohydarte! It's occay to eat just a little rice. But, there is no such thing as eating 2-3 suap nasi in our malay tradition. Every 100g or rice, give 370 kcal. That's all we need during each meal. Coz we do eat other thing also. But most ppl , not gonna eat just 100g of rice. According to my own studies - most Malays eat at least 300g of rice in every meal. 3 meals is 1110kcal. Tu at least, kalau sepinggan nasi kat kedai mamak tu agak2 brape gram? 100 g tu biasanya segenggam nasi nasi. hehehehe....
Our body only need 2500-3000kcal everyday. Most of us consume more than that everyday! Mane x gemuk kan :P
the extra unburned calories tu la yg eventually menjadi extra tyres kat perut tu :P
2) my tips la...i makan sikit2 banyak kali..kalu kurang makan nasik mcm mana nak burn kena ada n metabolisme tak boleh low.
It's true , bagus makan skit tapi bnyk kali. But then, jgn ter over bnyk kali :) Xper cik, kite kurangkan makan nasi, tapi tambah makanan lain, or tukar ngan menu lain. Roti , noodles , soup, potatoes- semua mende lain pon ade calories jugak, bole hasilkan energy jugak, metabolism tetap jalan :)
han.. akak baru jek nk tanya pasal nih. hahaha tgk2 dh ada pasal losing weight. kalo xmakan nasi lgsung tp ganti ngan benda2 lain cam bihun ke roti ke sup ke yg berlainan tiap2 ari and with a small amount ok x?coz some said bihun, roti, noodles pun xleh gak kalo nk diet. dh cemano? dhle ada gastrik nih. sometimes kalo bergantung kat susu jek xmakan benda lain yg agak berat tuh mmg xbleh rasanya.
Vagg :) akak, orang yg ade gastric ni kene la makan on time , puasa pon x yah kalau dah sakit sgt. Pasal diet ni pulak, sama jer ngan org sakit or x. Coz, in healthy diet - we have to eat. Even in the earlier post, if u want to lose weight, I'm not asking u to stop eating, I just recommended eating different foods everyday.
So, in ur case in akak vagg, just try the diff menu everyday and drink a lot of water. Insya Allah turun la berat badan , nak nak pulak bulan puasa ni kan :)
AND REMEMBER , make sure u eat ur food in appropriate intake. Kalau makan nasi , x yah tambah nasi, sepinggan dah cukup. Mee or beehon tu, semangkuk kecik dah cukup. Roti tu , 2-3 keping jer la kan :)
Kalau diff foods tapi melantak jer keje , x dapat den nak menolong :)
GOLDEN TIPS - avoid eating red meat. Beef, mutton.... skali sebulan jer la makan ek :) Makan breast for the best result... oooopsssssssssss.. i mean chicken breast...
Well, there are actually a lot more rules and recomendation. X larat nak tulis panjang2. kite sambung lain kali. Lepas ni bab minuman pulak ek. Selamat berpuasa
p/s thanks everyone for the questions... ade jugak modal nak update blog ni!
hannnn... great info. akak nk print entry nih ok. thanks young doc!
bkn orrang gastrik pon blh puase ke kan kan..
tiru mcm saya.... (wakakakakaka ayat perasan disitu)... :p
tapi betul laa... cuba laa makan nasi tak payah bertambah... makan pun kalau boleh 1/2 atau suku aje dari sukatan dari letak penuh sepinggan boqqqq tuh.... cukupppp...
then kalau lapar kunyah laa kacang2... mcm2 jenis kacang ada jual.. semua tu sumber protien... bihun putih boleh jerkk kalau nak ambik, cuma avoid mkn mee kuning...
ahaaaa... nih laa untungnya ada personal trainer yg bijak about nutrition nih... thanks to anu... :D
p/s: boleh jadi pakar pemakanan tak ej nih?? wakakakakakka... :p
These days I can only eat rice once a day (re non fasting months). Lunch time, salads or sandwiches will do. as for dinner, it will be an alternate of pasta, rice and noodles. altho on weekend, it is usually roast chicken or lamb.
But, it doesnt apply when I am back in Malaysia. Rice 3x a day! :D
nasi lemak tu sedap la..
kak ej,
camana makan tak moh tambah..
pekena sambal belacan dengan ikan kering... cicah ..sedappp..
pastu ada plak sambal petai udang ke ikan bilis ker.
mau tak bertambah,.,nasi panas2...
pehhhh sedappppppp
i dah kurang beratt..
sampai opis mate kata tak lawo dah sebab pipi tak gebusss!! camana tuuuu :P
errr...nanti when u become a doctor (HO dulu ok) if there's any case for weight reduction, just straight away refer it to the dietitian.. lagi mujarab!
hurm camne plak klu ngan teori mengatakan tahap metabolism rendah....??? camne la plak tuh klu nk diet...??
nanti nak cuba tak makan nasi arr..makan ubi je..bulih? jimat duit maaa
did u guys cleaned the common kitchen in the hostel after ur party? becoz we cant use the common kitchen alrdy.. they said we didnt clean them up after we use it... and we always clean the kitchen after we use it.. but they dont seem to believe it.. :(
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