Today "to do list" - dental checp up! Since my cousin is a dentist , I just made my dental appointment 5 minutes before I arrived at the clinic. Thanks to Dr Nazuha ( in blue )
Getting my teeth ready for Hari Raya! Yeah.... I asked my cousin should I wear the tooth braces ? She said no need, my teeth is in good condition. Frankly, I hate to see the dentist :) Yeah, not very keen of opening my mouth while the dentist drilling stuff inside it. But since the dentist is my cousin, I just gave it a try today and after the treatment - I reckon I wont be coming back to the dental clinic anytime soon :P
So, my raya check list - dental ->done - facial -> done - manicure+pedicure -> done - hairdo -> done - baju raya -> ouccchhhh!!!! a little hiccup here , ermmm...
biasala lelaki klu bab baju raya ni ssh sikit cuz derang rs bkn satu kemestian buy new clothes on hari raya..m i rite?
Er...I pun hate to see dentist, but what to do kena juga la jumpakan especially women yg dah beranak pinak nih...heheheh...
wah dahsyat sungguh prep for raya...siap facial tuh....
Selamat hari raya! May you have a blessed eid with your loved ones.
boleh ke g jumpa dentist time bulan posa nie?..
just asking.. :)
waaa.....sempat wat treatment lagik tu..raya punyer pasal ek hannan?..:p
selamat hari raya!:)
thats u?
wearing shades for a check up?
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri nan...
Maaf Zahir & Batin...
Kirim salam kat shieda ok.
dentist is my favourite enemy!
Lerrr...xde baju raye ke? Cian... Meh sini pinjam baju hanny sikit!
kelessssssssss siap facial mani-pedi bagai!!!
kueh raya da siap ke?
waaa.. best nyee.. kak na 5 hari sakit gigi tak tahan.. teringat kat k.ha tau.. :-(
semua buat tuh
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