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Saturday, September 20, 2008


a few ppl asked me , does my blog name xhansx has anything to do with the med XANAX. The answer is no and I dont have any anxiety disorder. Well, I could be over excited but in a good way :P

So, what the heck is XANAX actually?

Xanax is a tranquilizer drug from the group benzodiazepime. Ala.. ni lebih kurang sejenis ubat tido la. Prescribe for ppl with anxiety disorder, panic attack and depression. Sape2 yg jenis ade masalah berikut... silalah ambik ubat ni, but u need ur doctor to prescribe this med for u. U cant simply take it.
REMINDER - gatal/miang tidak termasuk dlm golongan anxiety disorder :P

But then , like other tranquilizer pills, this med has a lot of side effect. Antaranya ialah :- pening2, mamai, hallucination, letih2, hilang selera makan, bole buat hilang ingatan kejap dan lain2 yang seangkatan nya.

So, agak2 ade problem depression ke, anxiety disorder ka... sebelum jumpe doctor , bawak2 la baca al quran ka, solat sunat ke. Ni semua masalah mental, kene treat secara rohani dulu. Then kalau x jadi , jumpe la doc. Ade la kot wayar putus kat mane2 :P


Chika Chika said...

bagaimana dengan ice baby?

rizhan said...

tak leh amalkan ubat ni....nanti dependent susah...

mummysyafie said...

takut nya mkn ubat ni..takut imagine pelik² kan
